Rabu, 30 April 2014

Female: Age between 1.5 to 2 tahun.Bentuk

 Female: Age between 1.5 to 2 tahun.Bentuk body healthy , smooth and perfect . Observe the condition of fins , do not select the handicapped . The gill cover thick and perfect . Colors are bright and shiny . Abdomen appears enlarged , distended and slightly mushy . The movements are slow and in the evening like capers . When the stomach is prPulau Tidungessed, kloakanya produce eggs .
Male : at least 8 months of age , weighs around 0.5 kilograms per tail. Perfect body shape . Fins and scales perfectly. Nimble and his body is shiny . Male body slim and agile movements . If his stomach pushed out white fluid that is sperm .

spawning process
Upon completion of the selected best parent , it's time spawning process begins. There are two known spawning open pit that is the traditional way and get married suntil method . Traditional itself Pemijaha further divided into a number of ways ie How Sunda , How Cimindi , Rancapaku way , way Sumatra, dubish way , and the way Hofer . Each way has different techniques . How Sunda example, performed at the spawning pool measuring 25 to 30 square meters. As a little muddy pond bottom left , dried, then filled with water in the morning . Meanwhile indukan put goldfish in the afternoon . In the spawning pool ijuk will be compiled by the fish into the nest. When the process of spawning is over , ijuk which has been occupied nests and eggs seed goldfish transferred to the hatchery pond .
If using a hypodermic mating system , then the process is done by stimulating spawning goldfish good parent , male and female injecting way hyphofise glands in the body of the fish. These glands obtained from fish heads pendonor . After the injection , in a span of six hours afterwards , goldfish indukan aroused and do the spawning . This method takes full charge and means that the spawning process , but it no longer takes weeks as the traditional way .
Nursery process
The process starts when the seeds resulting from the spawning eggs have hatched perfect . Nursery is done in a special pool with an area of ​​about 200 to 500
Taruhan Bola Online square meters. First pool is drained and cleaned of other wild fish that can only live in it . Further, nursery ponds sprinkled lime and then nurtured in accordance with the prevailing kententuan . The separation process is usually done through a number of stages including:

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